Shingon Reiki Master Schooling

von | Feb. 19, 2016 | English

Shingon Reiki Master 1. Dan

Training in Shingon Reiki Master 1. Dan – Shingon Reiki Event Instructor

With the Shingon Reiki Master training you learn to apply Shingon Reiki on the basis of Usui Reiki in sessions, consultations and meditations, for you and for others. You can privately to use the content, but also freelance work, if that is your heart’s desire. After the training, you can coach six different types of seminars.

List of Events in Shingon Reiki Master 1. Dan

Shingon Reiki 1. Level
Shingon Reiki 2. Level
Shingon Reiki Practitioner
Shingon Reiki Master Practitioner
Shingon Reiki PSI-defense
Shingon Reiki Cristal magic
Shingon Reiki Body of light-Meditationen
Shingon Reiki Temple Fengshui
Symbology of the Reiki-Symbols
Advanced Metaphysical Healing (AMH Plus)
Japanese culture and spirituality
Reiki and sensuality
Reiki and Schamanism
Spiritual calligraphy
Spiritual Healing and Meditation with the Hrih-Symbol
Shingon Reiki Master Attunement 1. Dan
Didactics and die Inner Structure of Events

Home course in Shingon Reiki Master 1st Dan

Six home courses partly in writing, partly as audiobooks, partly as videos. The home courses serve as a continuous guide to personal development of master students and assist them in obtaining the knowledge of theory and practice. This information and exercises for daily practice are included. Topics of Home Training and exercises: healing reactions, accompanied with emotional processes, Psychosomatics, grounding, centering, spiritual marketing, handling trances, transmissions and projections, meditation, scents, healing stones, subpersonalities, forgiveness, group dynamics, interior structure of seminars, personal Master way, win-win thinking, understand relationships and healing, understanding vocation and living successfully.

Personal advice in Shingon Reiki Master 1st Dan

Personal advice and five training sessions 90 minutes each for clarifying questions and for personal development in training, individually or in groups, as required, during the seminar breaks, by phone or via Skype.

Personal Development Part 1: Current. Dealing with the training and personal learning topics (how do I use the training for my personal development to emotionally and mentally prepare for the topics of training and my work for myself and others after training)
Personal Development Part 2: updates. Previous experience, potential difficulties and blockades and how I can solve this with the learned methods.
Personal Development Part 3: updates. Dealing with clients using the methods taught.
Personal Development Part 4: updates. Challenges and difficult situations and personal learning themes in dealing with clients using the methods taught
Personal Development Part 5: Current and Marketing

Skills after completion of training

Upon completion of training, the young Shingon Reiki Master can

give Reiki applications using all the practical topics of training
give advice in dealing with all theoretical subjects
coach the following five seminars independently:

Shingon Reiki 1st level
Shingon Reiki 2 level
Shingon Reiki Practitioner
Advanced Metaphysical Healing (AMH Plus)
Reiki and Shamanism
Shingon Reiki PSI Defence

Training costs for Shingon Reiki Master 1st Dan

If you pay the entire cost of training at the start of training is a Total of 6900.00 €. In the case of convenient installments 7990.00 €.

Training costs without qualification to be a seminar instructor

If the cost of training is too high or there is no interest in being active as Shingon Reiki Master coacher, it is also possible to complete the training without the qualification as seminar instructor. Here, the training content is reduced by about 40%. In this case, then the total cost of training at complete payment to the start of training 3900.00 € and convenient installments 4990.00 €.

Shingon Reiki Master 2. Dan

Training to Shingon Reiki Master 2. Dan – Instructors for coachers

In this training, Shingon Reiki Masters learn to accompany and train Reiki practitioners to the Shingon Reiki master 1st Dan.
During the training for 2. Dan Master students can already take their own students to learn during training how to accompany students to master level. So there is a regular supervision. The seminars, which the master students are not yet able to give, are given by Mark Hosak. Therefore, the training will be partly added together. For the conclusion of the 2nd Dan Master, an Instructor should have five students in training for the 1st Dan Shingon Reiki. The time set is for a duration of 3 years. Should the master class be finished with the contents earlier, he can already complete the training or individual parts. The additional seminars may optionally already be given after 18-24 months. The training for the 2nd Dan has the objective that the Instructor learns to coach more seminars and can lead students up to the 1. Dan Shingon Reiki Master.

Events in Shingon Reiki Master 2. Dan

Reiki and Magnetism
Reiki and Magic (east and west)
Qigong Reiki
Buddhist spiritual healing
Gendai Reiki 1 Shoden
Gendai Reiki 2 Okuden
Reido Reiki 1 Shoden
Reido Reiki 2 Okuden
Shingon Reiki Master Attunement 2. Dan
Shingon Reiki Master Attunement 1. Dan
Didactics and the interior structure of seminars
Shingon Reiki Master Practitioner
Shingon Reiki Crystal Magic
Spiritual Healing and Meditation with the Hrih Symbol
Reiki and sensuality
Shingon Reiki Temple Fengshui
Shingon Reiki Light Body Meditations

If necessary, repeat the 1. Dan seminars

Shingon Reiki 1. level
Shingon Reiki 2. level
Shingon Reiki Practitioner
Shingon Reiki PSI Defence
Symbology of Reiki symbols
Advanced Metaphysical Healing (AMH Plus)
Japanese Culture and Spirituality
Reiki and Shamanism
Spiritual calligraphy

Home course in Shingon Reiki master 2. Dan

Home courses partly in writing, partly as audiobooks, partly as videos. The local courses serve as a continuous guide personal development of master student and assist him in obtaining the knowledge of theory and practice. This information and exercises for daily practice are included. Topics of Home Training and exercises: levels of spiritual healing, Tantric Buddhism, Eastern and Western Wisdom Teachings, dealing with master students, transfers and counter-transfers, instructing groups with students of different levels, Japanese and Western Reiki systems.

The home courses of 2nd Dan Shingon Reiki can be started after completion of the training of home courses in the 1. Dan Shingon Reiki.
Personal advice in Shingon Reikimaster 2. Dan

During the training to Shingon Reikimaster 2nd Dan the student is already giving seminars and some training. Besides, questions and personal subjects appear regularly in dealing with ones own pupils, which then individually in personal discussions or in groups, as required, to the appointed dates, during the seminar breaks, can be conducted by phone or via Skype.

Skills after completion of training

Upon completion of training, the Shingon Reiki Master 2. Dan can

give Reiki applications using all the practical topics of training
give advice in dealing with all theoretical subjects
instruct students to the level of Shingon Reiki Master 1. Dan
coach the following seminars independently:

Shingon Reiki Master Practitioner
Shingon Reiki Crystal Magic
Spiritual Healing and Meditation with the Hrih symbol
Reiki and sensuality
Shingon Reiki Temple Fengshui
Shingon Reiki Light Body Meditations
Gendai Reiki 1 Shoden
Gendai Reiki 2 Okuden
Shingon Reiki Master Attunement 1. Dan

The following seminars are taught under certain conditions

Spiritual calligraphy (calligraphy intensive training with results at a high level)
Japanese Culture and Spirituality (min. 10 days of visit to Japan with Mark Hosak Kurama, memorial, temple etc.)
Symbology of traditional Reiki symbols (intensive knowledge of the symbols and Siddham)
Didactics and the interior structure of seminars (intensive study of the contents and reading of the relevant psychological literature)

Training costs for Shingon Reiki master 2. Dan

If you pay the entire cost of training to the start of training Total 6900.00 €. In the case of convenient installment 7990.00 €.

Shingon Reikimaster 3. Dan

Training to Shingon Reiki master 3. Dan – coachers for coachers

In this training Shingon Reiki masters learn to accompany and form master students, and coach up to Shingon Reiki master 2. Dan, and give all Shingon Reiki seminars.

During the training for the 3rd Dan Master, they can already take their own students to learn during training how to form masters and guides to coachers of coachers. So there is a regular supervision. The seminars, which the master can not yet give during training, classes will be with trainer Mark Hosak. After completion of the Shingon Reikimaster 3. Dan all seminars of Shingon Reiki and Japanese Reiki lines of Gendai Reiki and Reido Reiki can be given independently to masters levels.
For the conclusion of the 3rd Dan Master, Instructors should have three students in the 2nd Dan Shingon Reiki. A duration of 3 years time is set. Should the master instructor be finished earlier with the contents, he can already complete the training or individual parts. The additional seminars may optionally be already given after 18-24 months. Training for the 3rd Dan aims at learning to coach more seminars of Master Students that lead to the level of Shingon Reiki Master 2. Dan.

Events in Shingon Reiki master 3. Dan

Events in Shingon Reiki master 3. Dan

Gendai Reiki Master Shinpiden
Gendai Reiki Master Gokuikaiden
Reido Reiki Master Shinpiden
Reido Reiki Master Gokuikaiden
Shingon Reiki Master Attunement 1. Dan
Shingon Reiki Master Attunement 2. Dan
Shingon Reiki Master Attunement 3. Dan
If necessary, repeat all events of  Shingon Reiki

Home course in Shingon Reikimaster 3. Dan

Home courses partly in writing, partly as audiobooks, partly as videos. The home courses serve as a continuous guide in personal development of the master student and assist him in obtaining the knowledge of theory and practice. This information and exercises for daily practice are included. Topics Home Training and exercises: levels of spiritual healing, Tantric Buddhism, Eastern and Western Wisdom Teachings, dealing with master students, transfers and counter-transfers, instructing groups with students at different levels, Japanese and Western Reiki systems.

The home courses of 3rd Dan Shingon Reiki can be started after completion of training in the home courses of Shingon Reiki 2. Dan.

Personal advice in Shingon Reikimaster 3. Dan

During the training the Shingon Reiki master 3. Dan Master students will be giving seminars and training. Besides, questions and personal subjects appear regularly in dealing with ones own pupils, which then individually in personal discussions or in groups, as required, to the appointed dates, during the seminar breaks, be conducted by phone or via Skype.

Skills after completion of training

Upon completion of training to Shingon Reiki Master 3. Dan may

give Reiki applications using all the practical topics of training
give advice in dealing with all theoretical subjects
Instruct students to the level of Shingon Reiki 2. Dan
coach the following seminars independently:

Reiki and magnetism
Reiki and Magic (east and west)
Qigong Reiki
Buddhist spiritual healing

Gendai Reiki Master Shinpiden
Gendai Reiki Master Gokuikaiden
Reido Reiki Master Shinpiden
Reido Reiki Master Gokuikaiden
Shingon Reiki Master Attunement 2. Dan
Didactics and the interior structure of seminars
Spiritual Healing and Meditation with the Hrih Symbol
Symbology of traditional Reiki symbols

The following seminars are taught under certain conditions

Spiritual calligraphy (calligraphy intensive training with results at a high level)
Japanese Culture and Spirituality (min. 10 days of visit to Japan with Mark Hosak Kurama, memorial, temple etc.)

Training costs for Shingon Reikimaster 3. Dan

If you pay the entire cost of training to the start of training Total 6900.00 €. In the case of convenient installment 7990.00 €.

To Teach all Master Levels of Shingon Reiki:

With two additional coaching courses after completion of the 3. Dan, it is then possible to Instruct the 3rd Dan, and supplement your own content into Shingon Reiki.

Let your Reiki skills shine!

Increase your Reiki skills

Are you looking to increase your Reiki abilities in perception and application?

With Shingon Reiki we help you to:

1. Sharpen your perception of Reiki energies
2. Quickly master the different techniques
3. Accelerate your progress toward mindful Reiki mastery

Don’t miss out on your chance to experience the power of Shingon Reiki. Sign up for a free online initial interview and find out how to enhance your Reiki skills